Monday, May 16, 2005

Twins! um.... sort of.

That's right. Twins. While there's a baby growing inside D's belly, there's another baby growing in the downstairs of our house––the studio. Over the weekend, Ronen and I made huge progress with it, laying down remnant carpet tiles ($50 for the whole area.. I probably got ripped off, I know) setting up the G5 dual 2gig and the Yamaha mixing board... to the right we built a rack unit for the outboard effects and mic preamp. The sound booth, or "the womb" as I like to call it now has a solid maple door that makes a pretty tight seal. On the other side of the wall behind the recording console is the performance area where we have a drum kit, an upright piano, a bunch of guitars, banjo, mandolin, violin, and various percussive intstruments. All the cables from microphones and instruments are sent through the wall into the mixing board. We're also going to create a video window, setting up a DVcam in the performance room, and sending the feed to a monitor in the control room (pictured here) so Ronen can see what's going on in there. It'll be awesome. So check it out.. pretty soon we'll begin recording my songs, recording other peoples songs, making a sweet demo.. who knows.. maybe I'll have some vinyl albums pressed along with the CD's.

Click it for a bigger view. It's a panoramic made up of six shots crudely pieced together, hence the crazy perspective.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Worlds Largest Eggs

Believe it or not.. from this doorway comes the worlds largest eggs. Truly bizarre. Truly untrue.

And also, this madman is making his own bio diesel fuel from discarded vegetable oil (from fry machines) right before our eyes. We went on a tour of solar and clean energy homes/businesses this weekend in Connecticut, and witnessed some truly inspiring things, this being the most inspiring. Flemig Farms in CT. All the diesel vehicles on the farm run on homemade fuel, that leaves no harmful byproducts... no carbon monoxide, just carbon DI oxide.. which the trees and plants love. Amazing.
Oh, also, any diesel engine can run perfectly on this bio diesel, no modification necessary. I didn't believe it until I saw it first hand.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Quote of Quotes

I recently heard legendary folk/gospel/spiritual singer Odetta share this quote in a live radio broadcast, but missed it when she named its author, and since then I've been trying to paraphrase it and really let it sink in because it's perfece––i think. The other day our new friend Maria sent D an email with the exact quote and it turns out that it was first spoken by none other than Nelson Mandela. Here goes:

"We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who
are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people will not feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us. It is not just in some of us;
it is in everyone. And as we let our own Light
shine, we unconsciously give other people to
do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others:

-Nelson Mandela at his inaugural address as president of Sout Africa 1994

Well said, man.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Traded a pencil for a camera.

Yep. You know it. I'm starting to catch up to technology. Next will be GPS navigation installed into every dollar that I make to find out where it goes.

We're at almost 23 weeks now. Belly's getting big––or Dana's shrinking and her belly's staying the same size––can't quite tell.
I felt out little flipper moving around inside last night...probably doing some pushups or something. or dancing. kind of feel like it's a boy. But it's okay if boys dance... as long as there's no tutu involved.

Here's some photos.

Oh.. and.. men feel it too.. despite what you may have heard.